Da Basics:
1. No pornography or innapropriate drawings. They will be deleted and your participation will be banned.
2. No cursing. Comments or pics that have cursing will be deleted and your participation will be banned.
3. If you want to be ananymous then just say so. You are not forced to state your name in public.
4. You MUST put your name (or ananymous) and date drawn-finished on your picture. If none of these are on
your art, it will not be displayed.
5. Do not copy other people's drawings. I do find out.
Contest Rules:
1. Same as rule 3 in Da Basics
2. Play fair and only submit one picture.
3. You cannot change your picture once it is submited.
4. Do not bribe others to vote for you. Those who are bribed report to me and the will be banned from participation
in everything.
5. When you are voting, only vote once! And the one who submitted the artwork cannot vote. That would be
unfair to the other people who worked hard on their picture.
6. Do not steal other people's work. If you want to be safe, put a copyright simbol on your picture.
7. Please, when you comment the pictures, say something nice. For example...
CORRECT-What a wonderful peice of art! It may have a few errors but that's okay! It's still nice!
CORRECT- I don't like the picture, but you tried your best anyway!
INCORRECT- I hate it! The lines are all wobbly and your coloring is horrible! Drawing is not your talent.
Comment Room:
1. Same as rule 3 in
Da Basics.
2. No cursing! It will be deleted and you will be banned.
3. You can say anything about this month's topic. It could be agreeing or disagreeing with the topic.
Wall of Fame:
1.You are not forced to put your real name on The Wall of Fame so don't you worry. Nicknames and fake names
are good enough.
2. Do NOT get jealous if you don't win. There's always a better chance next time.
Monthly Contest Rules:
1. Follow Contest Rules
Monthly Editorial:
1. No cursing! You should know that by now!
2. Let it be appropriate. Kids visit here too.
3. Only send in one editorial a month. Don't give me loads of things from one person because it takes up
too much time and computer space.
4. The Monthly Editorial takes any kind of editorial from neopets to the latest news!
5. Editorial must be 3 paragraphs or more.
6. Do not copy other peoples work! That is illegal!
My Gallery and Showcase Gallery:
1. Do not steal my art or anyones art! It is illegal and it is a crime!
2. If you want to be safe, put a copyright simbol on your picture.
3. Let it be your work and your work only. You cannot take any of the pictures and remodle it and then say
it's yours. It doesn't work that way. In other words, this is telling you rule # 1.
4. Have fun and do your best. If you want, send in scribbles as your picture. This isn't a contest.
5. Do not redo any of MY pictures that I worked hard on. It is illegal and it is a crime!!!